Eye training is an often overlooked but essential aspect of combat sports. Good eye training can improve reaction time, precision, and overall performance in the ring. Here are some quick and effective exercises for improving eye training in combat sports:
Focus Drills
Focus drills are simple exercises that help improve eye-hand coordination. For example, hold up a small object and ask a training partner to move it around quickly. Focus on the object and try to follow its movements as closely as possible. Repeat this exercise for several minutes, increasing the speed of the object as you improve.
Shadow boxing:
Shadow boxing is a common warm-up exercise for combat sports, but it can also be used to improve eye training. Focus on a specific target, such as a spot on the wall or a specific point on your training partner’s body, and try to keep your gaze fixed on that point as you move and strike.
Reaction drills:
Reaction drills are exercises that test your ability to react quickly to a visual cue. For example, have a training partner hold up a flashcard or hand gesture and ask you to react quickly with a strike or movement. Repeat this exercise several times, increasing the speed and complexity of the cue as you improve.
Speed bag:
The speed bag is a popular training tool in boxing that can also be used to improve eye training. Focus on the speed bag as it swings back and forth and try to track its movements with your gaze. The fast and unpredictable movements of the speed bag can help improve reaction time and eye-hand coordination.
Visualization is a mental training technique that can help improve eye training. Close your eyes and imagine a specific scenario, such as a fight in the ring. Visualize yourself reacting quickly and accurately to your opponent’s movements, focusing on specific visual cues such as their eyes, stance, and body language. Repeat this visualization several times, gradually increasing the speed and complexity of the scenario as you improve.
In conclusion, eye training is an essential aspect of combat sports that can be improved through quick and effective exercises. Whether through focus drills, shadow boxing, reaction drills, speed bag training, or visualization, regular eye training can help improve reaction time, precision, and overall performance in the ring.
set up an item about two feet close to you and another about ten feet away.
Observe the close one for 15-30 seconds picking up as many details as you can notice.
Quickly switch to the more distant object and observe it the same way.
Repeat this several times, each time trying to see more.
The passing car.
find a place to observe cars passing through your field of vision at 20-30 mph.
Don’t track them just allow them to enter and exit.
Try and remember as many details as you can. like the number of people, type of car, make model of car, interior color, condition, etc.